Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"wasting" my life to love Jesus

Luke 10:38-42

For those of you who know me, you know I am a very task-oriented person. I love to accomplish tasks, make things happen, and get stuff done.

When I moved to Mexico in June 2009 to work in a church, I had a whole list of expectations and tasks that I thought I would be completing in my 15 months on the job. It turns out the Lord had another idea. As the result of some uncontrollable factors, my job descriptions was changed and I found myself working in the House of Prayer. (The HOP here, similar to that of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, is a place where people gather to worship and intercede).

So, you can imagine my thrill (sarcasm) when my job went from organizing and executing to spending anywhere from 2-10 hours in the prayer room daily. I couldn’t help but think to myself that my time could be used more efficiently or effectively somewhere else. I almost felt like the very skills and talents the Lord has given me were going to waste just sitting there praying.

In January I had the opportunity to go visit the IHOP in Kansas City. I was talking with a friend there when the Lord used him to speak so clearly to me—Am I willing to “waste” my talents, my skill, my life, to love Jesus?

I have read the story of Mary and Martha many times, and I have heard several sermons about this passage, but for some reason it never quite sank in like it did that day in Missouri.

Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in “advancing the Kingdom” that we forget the importance of just loving on the Lord.

Sometimes we need to slow down and let our to-do list wait and do what could seem like a waste of time to us. We need to throw logic out the window and sit at the feet of Jesus and just love Him, because that is ultimately what we were put here to do.

Today's Blogger: Traci Cavanaugh

Tomorrow's Text: Luke 21:1-24:53; Ephesians; Philippians


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