Sunday, September 5, 2010

I think myself happy . . .

Now, that is a strange title to a blog, right? “I think myself happy…” These words struck me as so odd as I read them this morning. I think you will feel the same as I tell you the context in which I found these words.

These are Paul’s words to King Agrippa in the beginning of Acts, chapter 26. Paul says this after he has been imprisoned for several years; the last two of which he was imprisoned by the “as a favor to the Jews”. Unfortunately, certain Jews had Paul arrested on claims they could not prove and intended one way or another to see Paul killed. Persecution does not get much more intense than this. Yet, we see Paul given an opportunity after years of imprisonment to state his case before King Agrippa. It seems that almost any other words would have come out of Paul’s mouth at this time other than, “I think myself happy…”

In real estate you have heard there are three main ingredients to selling a property – location, location, location! I am sure there is a lot of truth to that statement. I believe I can make a similar statement about living the Christian life – attitude, attitude, attitude! John Maxwell says this about attitude, “A person with a positive attitude is like a bumblebee. The bumblebee should not be able to fly, because the size, weight, and shape of its body in relationship to its wingspread make flying aerodynamically impossible. But the bumblebee, being ignorant of scientific theory, flies anyway and makes honey every day.”

I think Paul had this kind of attitude. He considered his situation, realized there were a lot of things he could say to a king who was potentially in position to free him and chose to start off his thoughts with, “I think myself happy…” As Paul’s discourse continues in chapter 26 we find Paul actually beginning to win King Agrippa over to the Christian faith!

How about you? Have life’s circumstances got you thinking anything but happy thoughts? Let’s take a lesson from Paul’s playbook and turn what could be our next gripe session into an opportunity to see God’s Kingdom expanded in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

Today's Blogger: Pastor Eric Scott

Tomorrow's Text: Mark 1:1 - 11:33


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