There is a wonderful Gospel song performed by Cissy Houston on the Divas of Gospel album called "Glory Train" (Spooner/Penn). You can hear a snippet of it here

"All aboard the Glory Train
Step forth, don't remain
Don't stand there shackled by your sin
Just get on board and let the Glory begin"
"All Aboard" reminds me of those black and white movies, where dramatic scenes play out between a handsome man in a tweed suit and fedora and an beautiful young lady with silk gloves and elegant hat. A cloud of steam billowing from the locomotive, while the whistle and the conductor's call amplifies the drama with time pressure.
"All aboard the Glory Train
There's a journey ensuing, so much to gain
You're standing at the crossroads, will you turn back
Or will you ride the Saviors train down the Glory track"
There's drama playing out in each of our lives that has eternal implications, with time pressure pushing us to the decision point. When Jesus gave his life for us at Calvary we were each handed a ticket to ride with Him for eternity.
"The Holy Spirit, conductor of souls
Just follow Him, if you're ready to go
You qualify, so come as you are
Get on board, the Glory car"
He didn't call a select few, He said "ALL Aboard". We all qualify because we have that ticket in our pocket. We don't need to clean up and look the part like the actors from those black and white movies of yore to ride this train. You have a ticket, so come as you are.
Just as the conductor won't chase you down the platform and drag you onto the train, our Lord is waiting for you to use the ticket He gave you at Calvary. He is waiting for you to knock and eager to see you walk through the door. (2 Peter 3:9)
Are you standing on the platform watching the train? Hesitating? Waiting? For what? The whistle has blown and the final call went out. Time is running out and you need to act. (Psalm 39:4) The Conductor doesn't want to see anyone left on the platform when the train leaves the station, holding a ticket for His train.
If you don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ or aren't sure, go to the Conductor of Souls and hand Him your ticket today. He desperately wants to welcome you aboard. Will you use your ticket today? (Romans 3:22-24)
"Get on board the love express
turn your back on your past, it's time to confess
Whatever you do, you gotta lay down your pride
Let the Lord God take you on a real good ride"
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8 (NASB)
Ask, seek, knock. Receive, find, enter.
Take action today. (Joshua 24:15)
"All Aboard the Glory Train!"
Today's Blogger: Mike Schutterup
Tomorrow's Text: Grace Day!
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