W.E.Sangster was a significant Methodist preacher in London during the last century.
He was afflicted with some unusual disease that stole his voice.
In his affliction he was cared for by his daughter.
On the last Easter of his life his daughter said, "What a terrible thing it is to be alive at Easter time and not be able to shout."
Sangster's response was, "What an even more terrible thing it would be, to be able to shout but have nothing to shout about."*
Sangster's response was, "What an even more terrible thing it would be, to be able to shout but have nothing to shout about."*
This Easter 4.24 @ elim gospel church we will have plenty to shout about!
*(This is an excerpt from an email sent to me from a mentor and member of our church family. I love it when people provoke me:)
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