That is the goal of the Kingdom culture Elim Gospel Church is working to cultivate in our faith family.
Our mission statement also has a big "so that" in it. To help one another experience Christ's transforming love SO THAT we can love Him, ourselves, our family, our church, and our world.
In fact, "I only love God as much as the person I love the least." -Dorothy Day
Jesus' love is able to literally change the way we view Him, ourselves and every other person in the world.
Helping one another experience Christ's transforming love sounds simple but can very quickly become painful. To bring love to a fearful or hurting place in another person can come with it the very real possibility of pain.
"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no
more hurt, only more love."—Mother Theresa
A love that hurts is a love that is also able to heal. Jesus' death on the cross for each of us is a perfect example of this paradox lived out.
Let's give what we've been given.
Christ followers are are by nature, stewards of a mysteriously consuming and supernaturally transforming love.
A love that is vulnerably bulletproof.
Let's find the courage to risk giving some of it away.
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