Saturday, October 17, 2009

beyond measure.

It amazing how easy it is to become familiar with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

After walking in relationship with the Lord for several years we can slip into a mindset that we have a pretty good handle on this miraculous Gospel. As a preacher I can be especially susceptible to this trap.

King David, walked intimately with the Lord and was a continual herald of His goodness for years but still made this statement, "My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, thought I know not its measure." (Psalm 71:15)

The Good News of the cross of Jesus Christ, our forgiveness, our healing, our deliverance, our inheritance, our mission, our future residence.....we can sing about it, study it, preach on it, personally experience it, but in the end it is still beyond measure.

What an amazing promise...our revelation of Who God is and the everyday response we walk out to that revelation has the potential to keep growing for all eternity.

Tough to get bored or settle for what is familiar with that kind of potential in a relationship.


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