"When a church begins to do church for the “already convinced”–evangelism will always take a back seat!" -Perry Noble
At Elim Gospel Church we refuse to get to that place!
We've been called to be fishers of men and not simply keepers of the aquarium.
The Holy Spirit was given to us not just for our enjoyment but our employment (Acts 1:8)!
I hope you'll be able to make it out to our Good Friday worship and communion gathering, 7-8pm in the Youth Room. Bring your egc3 prayer cards and we'll partner with heaven in prayer. The Holy Spirit is going to use our invitations to move on hearts to "come and see" what kind of transformation Jesus can do in their lives.
It's going to be powerful celebrating Jesus' resurrection from the dead this Sunday...especially for those who give their lives to Christ in the midst of the celebration!
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